Art of Living

Art of Living
Jai Gurudev

Mainey Socha Na Tha

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Well baked Pot

September 12 , 1996Bangalore Ashram, India

If you pour water into a half-baked pot, the pot becomes ruined and the water is also wasted. If the pot is well-baked and strong, it will hold up whether you put water into the pot or put the pot into water.During satsang that evening. a devotee presented a beautiful handcrafted pot to Sri Sri. Another devotee gave a bouquet of roses. Placing the bouquet into the pot, Guruji said,"If the pot is well-baked, then it will hold the flowers."Then a gift of sweets was given to Sri Sri, who added,"When you flower, the sweets come to you."Then came another box of sweets - Sandesh brand - and Guruji concluded,"This is today's Sandesh." (Sandesh is the Hindi word for message)

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